9 Best AI Apps for iPhone: Make the Most of Your Device

9 Best AI Apps for iPhone: Make the Most of Your Device

Artificial intelligence (AI) is more than just a trend; it’s a tool that’s quickly becoming a staple in our daily lives. From AI-powered features that guide us home to those that curate our music playlists, the impact of AI is undeniable. As an iOS user, you stand at the forefront of this AI evolution. The iPhone, fueled by machine learning algorithms, hosts some of the best AI apps that truly enhance user experience. This article aims to shed light on the best AI apps for iPhone, enabling users to fully optimize their devices through the wonders of AI. Dive in to explore how these apps are making strides in the world of artificial intelligence.

9 Best AI Apps for iPhone: Make the Most of Your Device

What Are the Best AI Apps for iPhone?

While there are numerous AI apps in the App Store, only a select few truly stand out, offering a range of services from AI assistant functionalities to photo editing tools, and even facilitating human-like conversations. Some of these exceptional apps, worth mentioning, extend their services across both iOS and Android platforms.



Siri was one of the first AI apps that became popular among iPhone users. The voice-activated virtual assistant can help you with a wide range of tasks, including checking the weather, setting alarms, scheduling appointments, and much more. You can even use Siri to search the web, ask for directions, and control your smart home devices.

Key Features of Siri:

  • Voice-activated functionality for hands-free use
  • Capability to answer questions and provide detailed responses
  • Scheduling capabilities for setting alarms and reminders
  • Web searching and navigational assistance
  • Integration with smart home devices for easy control


While Siri comes pre-installed on all iPhones, the utilization of some features may require additional purchases or subscriptions to Apple services. Therefore, while the core virtual assistant functionality is free, certain extended features may come at a cost.

Google Assistant

google assistant

Google Assistant is an advanced English language speech assistant that stands out among the rich selection of virtual assistants available for iPhone users. This AI app offers a comprehensive range of services comparable to Siri, and it even surpasses it in certain areas due to its advanced features. Google Assistant has the ability to perform tasks such as making phone calls, sending messages, and even translating languages. What sets it apart is its capability to recognize different voices, which allows for personalized preferences for multiple users.

Key Features of Google Assistant:

  • Advanced features that make it stand out among other virtual assistants
  • The ability to perform tasks such as making phone calls and sending messages
  • A huge number of voice commands for easy and detailed responses
  • Capability to translate languages and facilitate communication
  • Voice recognition feature for personalized user experiences


Google Assistant comes as a free download for all iPhone users. However, access to some of its advanced features might require purchasing additional items or subscribing to Google services. Therefore, while the basic speech assistant functionality is free, some extended features may incur costs.


MyFitness Pal

MyFitnessPal, an AI-based app that prioritizes health and fitness, is a must-have for those who want to stay on top of their wellness goals. This artificial intelligence app facilitates user interactions while offering various services to enhance productivity in daily life. It allows you to monitor your calorie intake, nutrition, and exercise schedules, while also providing bespoke advice tailored to your objectives. Moreover, users can tap into a thriving community of fitness enthusiasts for inspiration and motivation.

Key Features of MyFitnessPal:

  • User-friendly interface that facilitates seamless user interactions.
  • Uses artificial intelligence to provide personalized health and fitness advice.
  • Tracks calories, nutrients, and workout regimes.
  • Offers various services, including connecting with a supportive community to boost motivation.

Pricing of MyFitnessPal:

MyFitnessPal is available for download free of charge. Yet, certain features may necessitate additional purchases or subscriptions. Consequently, while the app’s basic functionalities are free, access to some advanced features may come at a cost.

SwiftKey Keyboard

SwiftKey Keyboard is an AI-based app that redefines the conventional typing experience on your iPhone. The software, developed using advanced natural language processing technology, predicts your next words, thereby, rewriting your text based on your writing style and prior typing history. This AI app opens a new possibility of seamless typing without the repetition of words. Additionally, you have the freedom to customize the keyboard’s layout and aesthetics according to your preferences.

Key Features of SwiftKey Keyboard:

  • Utilizes natural language processing technology for predictive text.
  • Rewrites text based on your unique writing style.
  • Offers customization options for keyboard layout and aesthetics.
  • Facilitates a new possibility of effortless typing experience.

Pricing of SwiftKey Keyboard:

SwiftKey Keyboard is available for free download, providing everyone with the basic version of this AI app. However, the use of some advanced features could require additional purchases or subscriptions. Therefore, while enjoying the benefits of its free version, keep in mind that unlocking some of the specialized features might incur costs.

Grammarly Keyboard


If you want to improve your writing skills, Grammarly Keyboard is a must-have app for your iPhone. It automatically corrects your spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes and offers suggestions for sentence structure and tone. You can use Grammarly Keyboard for emails, text messages, and even social media posts.

Key Features of Grammarly Keyboard:

  • As one of the leading AI apps, Grammarly Keyboard uses advanced AI technology to automatically correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes.
  • The keyboard provides suggestions for sentence structure and tone, allowing users to improve their writing skills and explore new possibilities in language usage.
  • It offers a unique feature that helps users with English pronunciation, aiding non-native speakers to communicate effectively.
  • With Grammarly Keyboard, users can create text with fewer errors for emails, text messages, and social media posts.
  • This keyboard is optimized for search engines, enabling users to write SEO-friendly content.
  • The keyboard also provides an editing feature, allowing users to review and edit their text seamlessly.

Pricing of Grammarly Keyboard:

Grammarly Keyboard is free to download, but some premium features like advanced corrections and suggestions may require a paid subscription. The free version offers basic corrections and suggestions, but for users who want to unlock its full potential and explore new possibilities in their writing, a premium subscription might be necessary. Pricing varies based on the subscription plan chosen.


How many times have you heard a song on the radio or in a cafe and wondered what it was? Shazam is an AI app that can identify songs with just a few seconds of listening. You can also find lyrics, artist info, and streaming links for the tracks you discover.

Key Features of Shazam:

  • Shazam, a revolutionary AI tool, recognizes songs within a few seconds of hearing them, a feature that has revolutionized the way we interact with music.
  • The app provides comprehensive data about the artist and the song, enhancing a user’s musical knowledge and enriching their listening experience.
  • In addition to song identification, Shazam also offers users easy access to lyrics, allowing them to understand and appreciate the songs more deeply.
  • The app’s easy-to-use interface is particularly appreciated by iOS users, who can quickly and easily discover new music on the go.
  • Shazam also provides streaming links for the songs it identifies, making this software an integral part of a music lover’s life by seamlessly integrating with their preferred streaming platforms.

Shazam Pricing Information:

Shazam is a free-to-download app, making it accessible to a wide range of users. However, for those desiring an ad-free experience and access to additional premium features, a paid subscription might be necessary. The pricing is dependent on the specific subscription plan chosen by the user.

Amazon Alexa

If you’re an existing Amazon Echo user, you’ll be thrilled to learn that you can operate Alexa from your iPhone as well. It’s an excellent way to manage your smart home gadgets, schedule grocery deliveries, and play tunes from your Amazon Music collection. Additionally, you can utilize thousands of Alexa’s skills, including trivia, games, and meal suggestions.

Key Features of Amazon Alexa:

  • Alexa, one of the best AI apps for iPhone, offers a wide array of features, including controlling smart home devices, setting reminders, and even providing weather forecasts.
  • Alexa serves as an AI chatbot providing real-time assistance, be it scheduling appointments, setting alarms, or answering general queries.
  • Supports a wide array of skills, such as quizzes, games, and recipes, making it much more than a simple virtual assistant.
  • Alexa can also provide emotional support by playing soothing music, reading out motivational quotes, or guiding you through deep-breathing exercises.
  • The app integrates seamlessly with Amazon Music, allowing users to play their favorite songs or discover new music simply through voice commands.

Amazon Alexa Pricing Information:

Amazon Alexa, a free-to-download application, is accessible to a broad spectrum of users. However, premium features such as more extensive smart home control, unlimited music streaming, and access to a larger selection of skills might require a subscription to Amazon Prime. The pricing varies based on the specific subscription plan chosen by the user.


Prisma is an AI-powered photo editing application that transforms your regular images into visually pleasing pieces of art with a few simple clicks. It provides an array of artistic filters, ranging from the styles of traditional masterpieces to the flashy aesthetics of contemporary pop art.

Key Features of Prisma:

  • Prisma leverages AI technology to inject artistic flair into your pictures, creating stunning effects that imitate famous painting styles.
  • The app offers a broad assortment of specially designed filters, catering to a variety of artistic preferences.
  • Prisma supports the upload of images from your device, ensuring that you can edit any picture, anytime.
  • The app is also capable of creating AI avatars, adding a unique, creative twist to your profile pictures or social media posts.
  • With Prisma, the data you upload remains secure, underscoring its commitment to user privacy and data protection.

Prisma Pricing Information:

While Prisma is free to download, additional features like AI avatars, a wider selection of specially designed filters, and enhanced photo editing capabilities might require a premium subscription. Here, the cost is contingent on the particular subscription plan selected by the user.


Hound is a voice search app that’s tailored for speed and accuracy, surpassing other AI friends like Siri and Google Assistant on these fronts. This app for iPhone and other platforms allows users to ask complex questions, delivering detailed responses instantaneously, bypassing the need for lengthy conversations. Beyond this, Hound offers a plethora of utilities, including hotel booking, food ordering, and flight schedule checking.

Key Features of Hound:

  • Hound, with its advanced AI technology, offers rapid and accurate responses to complex queries, making it an ideal virtual assistant.
  • This app is specifically designed to support numerous practical functions, such as hotel reservations, food delivery orders, and flight schedule inquiries.
  • Hound is compatible with the iPhone, as well as a variety of other platforms, broadening its user base.
  • In its newest model improvements, Hound has further enhanced its responsiveness, understanding, and command execution speed.
  • This AI-driven app facilitates seamless user interaction through voice commands, eliminating the need for manual typing or searching.

Hound Pricing Information:

Hound is available for free, but some features may necessitate a premium subscription. The cost is dependent on the specific subscription plan chosen by the user and the range of advanced features they wish to access.


Yes, OpenAI has an iPhone app called ChatGPT. It communicates naturally with users, providing information, insights, or just casual conversation and even the chat history. It is a showcase of OpenAI’s powerful language model.

Yes, Siri is an AI app. It is Apple’s built-in “intelligent assistant” that enables users to speak voice commands to operate the mobile device and its apps.

Yes, Apple does have AI. They utilize AI technology in various services and features, including Siri, image recognition in Photos, and the predictive text in QuickType keyboard.


In sum, the advancement of artificial intelligence is clearly demonstrated through these best AI apps for iPhone. Whether your aim is to boost productivity, nourish your health, or simply indulge in some entertainment, rest assured there’s an AI app tailored for you. Explore the potential of AI chatbots like ChatGPT that can offer information, insights, and even a casual conversation with ease. Delve into the world of photo editing with AI-powered apps that elevate your photography to the next level. These apps not only enrich your iPhone usage but potentially, they can revolutionize your life. Venture out and try these apps, and who knows, you might stumble upon an indispensable app you never knew you needed!

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